A Giant Tree Has Fallen – Tributes to Ali Mazrui
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ISBN (print): 978-0-9922363-6-6
Edited by Seifudein Adem, Jideofor Adibe, Abdul Karim Bangura and Abdul Samed Bemath
“Fond memories of my first encounter with the eminent Kenyan scholar and prolific writer through his landmark documentary series came flooding back early this year during the launch of this epic tribute work at the University of Johannesburg.
This 537 page tome includes more than 130 heartfelt eulogies of prose and poetry by a global family of thinkers who have been touched by this colossal intellectual father of African scholarship. They range from journalists to academics and eminent politicians. The co-editors – Seifudein Adem, Jideofor Adibe, Abdul Karim Bangura and Abdul Samed Bemath are respected scholars, authors and accomplished academics in various fields. The results of their literary experience and erudite scholarship are evident in this posthumous magnum opus.
Dedicated to the future generations of Mazrui disciples, this monumental work carries a foreword by Dr Salim Ahmed Salim, a former prime minister of Tanzania and past secretary general of the Organization of African Unity.”
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